Empowering educators, streamlining IEPs, and accelerating student success

Interested in piloting the future of special education for 2024-2025?

Writing IEPs has never been this…






Simplify your workload and amplify your impact. SimpleIEP makes creating individualized education plans a breeze, allowing you to focus on what truly matters – your students.


Unlock the potential of your education with SimpleIEP. Where every student is seen, heard, and supported on their learning journey


Our advanced AI algorithms analyze data, enabling special education professionals to craft tailored individual education plans efficiently

Research-Backed Interventions, Instantly

SimpleIEP uses state-of-the-art teaching resources and follows nationally backed standards (common core, power standards, etc.). By intelligently assessing the student's current grades, performance, skills, and weaknesses, we suggest tailored content based on the student's specific needs. 

The future of special education

SimpleIEP's intuitive interface and powerful language models empower teachers, intervention specialists, and school psychologists to create personalized education plans at an unprecedented speed.

Every student deserves to thrive